Register Now: BIG's Matthew Braunbeck Discusses Producer Background Screening Compliance in 2024
Join us for an enlightening webinar featuring BIG's Vice President of Sales, Matthew Braunbeck, as he co-hosts a deep dive into the intricate landscape of producer and representative background screening.

The financial services sector, known for its stringent regulations on both company and client security, is one of the most highly-regulated fields in the United States. Proper vetting of insurance producers and representatives is of paramount importance.
In this free, public webinar hosted by the Securities & Insurance Licensing Association (SILA), you will gain insights on how to keep your organization or firm in compliance with the complex regulatory environment governing the industry in 2024 and beyond. Key topics include:
- FCRA/EEOC Framework
- Clean slate and limited access impacts on courts;
- New FINRA fingerprinting rules;
- Adverse action based on criminal history (beyond FCRA requirements); and
- Sanctions monitoring/consumer reports.
The webinar will take place Thursday, January 25 from 3:00PM - 4:00PM ET, and is approved for both SILA Designation and Professional Development CE credit.
Matthew Braunbeck is BIG's Vice President of Sales and a seasoned insurance screening expert with over 20 years of specialized knowledge in this complex industry. Every day he helps employers who may be struggling with conducting properly compliant screening. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Matt at any time. We look forward to seeing you there!
Posted: January 19, 2023
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