Des Moines, Iowa "Bans the Box"
The city council of Des Moines, Iowa unanimously passed a "Ban the Box" law on November 15, 2021.
The law makes it illegal for employers to include criminal history inquiries on an application or during an interview, or to perform criminal background checks before extending a conditional offer of employment.
According to the law, the "application process" begins as soon as an applicant inquires about employment. The law implements an exception that allows for employers to discuss criminal records if the applicant voluntarily discloses them.
Iowa has enacted similar "Ban the Box" laws in Johnson County, Linn County, and Waterloo.
Employers are encouraged to review their job application materials and interview protocols to ensure that they are not violating any laws by inquiring about an applicant's criminal history before presenting conditional offers of employment.
Business Information Group supports our clients in achieving compliance with "Ban the Box" legislation by configuring accounts with necessary requirements and implementing codes to program applications based on "Ban the Box" locales. Please contact your BIG Account Manager or Sales Executive for more information.
Posted: June 29, 2022
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