
Posts Tagged with ”Enacted Legislation”

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Philadelphia the latest city to restrict the use of credit information in employment decisions

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Philadelphia Bill No. 160072 amends the city’s Fair Practices Ordinance and will prohibit employers in the City of Philadelphia from procuring or using applicants’ or employees’ credit information for employment purposes. Read More

Washington D.C. approves bill to prohibit credit checks in hiring

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The Washington D.C. Council unanimously passed the “Fair Credit in Employment Amendment Act” which will limit employers’ ability to inquire into an applicant, intern or employee’s credit information at any point during the hiring process. Read More

California employers can no longer ask job applicants about salary history


California joined several states and localities in passing legislation that will require all California employers to refrain from asking for or seeking salary history information from job applicants. Read More

New Orleans bars credit checks on employees of city contractors

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Effective Dec. 23, 2016, New Orleans’ “Equal Access to Employment Act” will make it unlawful for city contractors to request or use applicants’ or employees’ consumer credit information as the basis for any employment-related decision. Read More

Delaware enacts salary history ban


The First State becomes the latest state to enact a version of the increasingly popular legislation that aims to address the gender pay gap. Read More

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