Featured Resources

Form I-9 & Onboarding Services
Streamlining Form I-9 Compliance with i9Success and i9Virtual
This White Paper delves into the complexities of Form I-9 compliance and the evolution of solutions designed to tackle these challenges; particularly Virtual I-9 completion.

Fingerprinting & Remote Services
Is CHRI Covered by the FCRA?
This Compliance Issue Analysis explains that the FCRA does not cover CHRI and suggests CHRI-specific practices for employers.

Background Screening
Preparing Applicants for the Background Check Process
This White Paper outlines the steps applicants can take to adequately prepare themselves for their background check, offering accessible resources to guide them.

Occupational Health Screening
Negative Dilute Drug Screening Results
This paper explores how specimens are tested, criteria for dilute results, possible reasons for a dilute specimen, and protocol for employers.

Background Screening
Background Screening in the Financial Services Industry
This White Paper provides a comprehensive overview of the background screening and investigation requirements that apply to firms operating in the financial services industry while highlighting some of the potential issues that can arise due to increasing antidiscrimination legislation.

Background Screening
Preparing Applicants for the Background Check Process
This White Paper provides simple steps that applicants can take to proactively monitor third-party sources of personal information prior to the pre-employment background check.

Background Screening
Written Consent Requirements Under 18 U.S.C. 1033
This White Paper outlines requirements under the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act 18 U.S. C. 1033, which prohibits individuals convicted of certain felony crimes from working in the insurance industry without written consent.

Background Screening
FINRA: New Rule Requirements
This White Paper outlines the requirements of broker-dealerers under new FINRA rule 3110-e to investigate applicants prior to registration through public records searches.

Compliance Services
Regulation Z Screening Requirements
BIG clarifies the newest rule added to the existing Regulation Z loan originator compensation rule and informs you of what your organization needs to do in order to comply in this CIA.