Fingerprinting of Contingent Parties
Question: Can we extend the fingerprint background checks we do on our employees to temporary and contingent staff?
Response & Analysis:
Yes. However, FBI regulations mandate that only the authorized bank entity is allowed to receive fingerprint results from the FBI.
Because of these FBI regulations, a bank is not able to simply require temporary staffing firms, or other entities that provide contingent staff, to fingerprint personnel before sending them to your organization. Those entities are not permitted to submit fingerprints to the FBI or receive the results.
So, you can screen temporary and contingent staff with FBI fingerprint background checks; however, you must perform the screening yourself.
Additionally, FBI regulations forbid the sharing of criminal record results with any organization other than the authorized recipient. As such, if you find negative information on a prospective temporary or contingent worker, you are not permitted to share that information with the temporary or staffing firm.
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