Automatically included with all education verifications, DegreeScan searches our exhaustive database of “diploma mills” and other educational institutions of questionable accreditation.
Our DegreeScan service searches our proprietary database of thousands of known “diploma mills.” Each time we perform an education verification, we search to see if the institution has been flagged as a “diploma mill.” We developed this service in response to the proliferation of entities that offer fraudulent or meaningless educational degrees for little or no coursework. Any confirmed matches are verified and then flagged in our reporting.
Monitoring We developed the DegreeScan database, and it is actively maintained and updated by our researchers, who closely monitor the ever-changing diploma mill landscape. |
Verification The DegreeScan search is performed automatically with every education verification conducted. |
Reporting If a confirmed match is found in the database, we will include a note on the completed background investigation report that the educational institution reported has been identified as a diploma mill. |
Security: Automatic added protection from risk in a dramatically increasing area of job application fraud. | |
Efficiency: Access to the most comprehensive database available of known diploma mills. | |
Tracking: Continual updates of DegreeScan ensure the very latest emerging diploma mill organizations will be detected and flagged - keeping you one step ahead of potentially fraudulent educational degrees. |